Ichiro Shishiya Born in 1947 in Tokyo, Shishiya Sensei started judo when he was a sixth grader in elementary school at the Sugamo Police Dojo. In 1963, when he was in his third year of junior high, he joined the Sugamo Kenshyukan Dojo headed by Noboru Ishibashi Sensei, and started his aikido training under the instruction of Shoji Nishio Shihan. In 1966, he started training at the Hombu Dojo as well. After graduating from Dokkyo University in 1970, he spent several years as a salary man before establishing his own computer system engineering company in 1979. Since then, he has been juggling work and teaching aikido. Currently a 7th dan in aikido, he holds seminars in many European cities each year, and is the head instructor of the Meisei Kai in Tokyo. He is the president of the Toshima Ward Aikido Federation, delegate of the All Japan Aikido Federation, a trustee of the Tokyo Aikido Federation, and is a standing member of the board of directors for the Toshima Ward Physical Education Association.
The First AIKIDI Meisei Kai Seminar in IRAN by Shihan Ichiro Shishiya